Help Purchasing Your PC, Peripherals, or In-Home Services:
FoxyBox Direct Discount
We believe providing help to the community should be as easy as possible. If you are already a recipient of a PA or federal assistance program, you automatically qualify for our direct discount.
Use this coupon code at checkout:
To reduce fraud, we may ask for a validation photo of assistance ID for this discount. We will only ask to see your NAME on the card. Please cover your ID number!
Vocational Rehabilitation
Whether for work-from-home or continuing-education needs you may qualify for an equipment voucher! Ask your local Office of Vocational Rehabilitation!
If you need to apply for OVR, Follow this link to get started:
York Economic Alliance
If you work from home, are a small business, or a sole-proprietor you may qualify for assistance through the York Economic Alliance.
Help Accessing the Internet with Reduced-Cost Internet Services
Comcast Internet Essentials
“Everyone should be able to connect to the power of home internet”
Internet Essentials is the nation's largest and most successful private-sector broadband adoption program, connecting low-income Americans to the power of the Internet at home.
Learn more and apply at:
Verizon Forward
Verizon Forward provides qualifying customers with Verizon Home Internet services at a discounted price. If you participate in certain Federal Assistance programs such as SNAP,
you may qualify for the Verizon Forward discount.Learn more and apply at: